
Our Capabilities
Currently, our lab is equipped with:

  • Single-molecule fluorescence imaging
  • Single-molecule tracking
  • 2D/3D super-resolution imaging microscopy
  • Fluorescence recovery after photobleaching
  • Magnetic tweezer

Furthermore, our collaborative ties with other leading labs enrich our resources. We can access the single-molecule optical tweezer thanks to our partnership with the Mao lab. Similarly, the Chang lab grants us access to single-particle hyperspectroscopy.

For students keen on joining us, expect a comprehensive scientific journey. Our program offers training in state-of-the-art instrumentations, meticulous data analyses, and the forefront of nanotechnology.

Current Research Trajectories:

1. Delving into Single-molecule Catalysis:

  • Exploring Structure-Reactivity: We harness single-molecule techniques to unearth intricate structures, reactions, and mechanisms during catalysis. We incorporate unique chiral structures in our catalysts and channel electron spin selectivity for enhanced reactivity.
  • Coronazyme Catalysis: In collaboration with the Mao lab, we’re pioneering DNA-nanoparticle hybrids for catalytic applications, aiming for amplified reactivity and selectivity.
  • Crafting Chiral Nanocatalysts: We’re designing nanocatalysts with structural chirality that respond to polarized light and magnetic stimuli, enhancing their reactivity.
  • Super-resolution Reactivity Mapping: Our super-resolution microscopy precisely pinpoints reactive sites down to an impressive ~20 nm scale, both in 2D and 3D.
  • Tackling Photochemical Catalysis: We’re championing the resolution of photochemical catalysis – a potential solution to the looming energy dilemma – by pinpointing reaction focal points.

2. Probing Single-molecule Biophysics:
Unraveling Alzheimer’s Mysteries: Alzheimer’s disease is intrinsically tied to protein misfolding in the brain, leading to amyloid fibril formation. Our techniques shed light on these fibrils, exploring avenues to reverse peptide aggregation.
3. Innovating Instrumentation:

3. Beyond Observation:
While single-molecule fluorescence microscopy offers a remarkable view into micro to nanoscale entities, it traditionally falls short in specimen manipulation. That’s where our collaboration with the Mao lab steps in. We have crafted the groundbreaking 3D super-resolution magnetic-tweezer microscope, which allows real-time sample adjustments during chemical process observation.